*To protect the privacy of the mother and her children, we are keeping their names and photos confidential.
Mom reached out to us in crisis as she and her three children were no longer safe in the home with her ex, who was, “the one person who was supposed to protect us,” Mom said. She packed up what she could carry and her and her children fled to safety. The past couple of months, they have been bouncing from shelter to shelter as they try to find a permanent safe place. Mom expressed she did not have the means to afford diapers for her little one, and had resorted to using feminine pads and towels as makeshift. They took everything they could carry, but as you can imagine, supplies started to run low pretty quickly. She explained, “I hate having to put my children in this situation, but if we didn’t leave, I don’t think I would be here today.”
As you can imagine having only the items you can carry and uprooting yourself and your children to look for a safe haven and not knowing where the next meal is coming from for you and your children, is not only a financial stressor, but it is also extremely emotional and difficult to explain to your children.
We were able to help Mom with meals for her and her children. This is a very unusual situation and made it a bit challenging to try to figure out how we could get meals to the family because they were jumping from one shelter to the next; but that only made us want to search harder to help them. We are so grateful that we were able to help this mom and her children. Mom has expressed her gratitude for the service we provided saying repeatedly, “thank you so, so, so much!” We are thankful to be helping another family in need during their time of crisis. These services are made possible through the sales of Mom Bomb products and direct donations to MomBomb.org. Thank you to all who have made a contribution to help!
Mom reached out to us in crisis as she and her three children were no longer safe in the home with her ex, who was, “the one person who was supposed to protect us,” Mom said. She packed up what she could carry and her and her children fled to safety. The past couple of months, they have been bouncing from shelter to shelter as they try to find a permanent safe place. Mom expressed she did not have the means to afford diapers for her little one, and had resorted to using feminine pads and towels as makeshift. They took everything they could carry, but as you can imagine, supplies started to run low pretty quickly. She explained, “I hate having to put my children in this situation, but if we didn’t leave, I don’t think I would be here today.”
As you can imagine having only the items you can carry and uprooting yourself and your children to look for a safe haven and not knowing where the next meal is coming from for you and your children, is not only a financial stressor, but it is also extremely emotional and difficult to explain to your children.
We were able to help Mom with meals for her and her children. This is a very unusual situation and made it a bit challenging to try to figure out how we could get meals to the family because they were jumping from one shelter to the next; but that only made us want to search harder to help them. We are so grateful that we were able to help this mom and her children. Mom has expressed her gratitude for the service we provided saying repeatedly, “thank you so, so, so much!” We are thankful to be helping another family in need during their time of crisis. These services are made possible through the sales of Mom Bomb products and direct donations to MomBomb.org. Thank you to all who have made a contribution to help!