Heather's Story
It’s crazy how life can change once you’ve stared death in the face. My name is Heather and as my husband likes to say, I’ve been organizing people since 1974 (the year I was born.) He likes to tease that when I was born, I slapped the doctor instead of the other way around. I think that's his way of saying, I like to get things done - and get things done I did.
That was until I got sick. After 10 months of excruciating pain, losing everything I’d ever worked for and being diagnosed with everything except the disease I had, I made a promise to myself that if I got through this, I would dedicate my life to easing the burden of others that find themselves in a crisis.
Out of the blue, I was struck down with an illness that was life-altering. The pain of this rare disorder was so debilitating; daily tasks became nearly impossible. Not able to run the companies I'd worked so hard to grow, I needed an outlet, so I started making bath bombs.
The essential oils were soothing and provided relief, and the task itself quickly proved itself to be therapeutic. I began to research other bath bombs on the market. Based on what I found, I felt confident I could build a better bomb.
I wanted to create bath bombs that were can only be described as luxurious: superior scents, higher-quality ingredients that would leave anyone feeling relaxed and unwound. I new the importance of creating products that are all natural, vegan, and also made in the USA.
After doing my due diligence, we built a better bomb (and soap, and bath salts, and shower steamers, and more)! I took the base product of high-quality essential oils and added organic Argan oil to lock in moisture and combat aging. The more I made, the more I felt confident I could create bath experiences worth savoring!
Once the formula was set, it was time to figure out how to use the money we made from this endeavor to help other moms struck down as I found myself at the beginning of this journey; crisis looks different on everyone, and I wanted to create an impact that extended beyond myself.
Please join us and jump-in the tub with Mom Bomb! In this case, self-care means helping yourself be whole for those who depend on you and impacting other mothers struggling in silence. I'm so glad you're here.